Superior Hosted Email
Our hosted email service gives you the power to securely access email, contacts, calendar, tasks and notes from the device of your choice.
Always private. Always secure. Always ad free.
Access your email, calendars, contacts, tasks, chats, and notes regardless of whether you're at the church, in the office, on the road, or at home using a Web browser and our superior webmail interface or IMAP services.
Seamlessly sync your email, contacts, calendars, notes and tasks anywhere! Never miss another email, appointment, or due date!
Get Started TodayUnlike Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, and AOL, we will never sell your email content to advertizers and we will never display ads in your messages. After all, it’s your email.
Our hosted email includes multi-layer spam filtering that achieves 97% protection. Plus, it includes several security enhancements that prevents your email from being compromised, including anti-virus protection, support for SSL/TLS encrypted connections, and more!
Get Started TodayEnjoy full collaboration features and synchronize your email, contacts, calendars, tasks, and notes with email desktop and mobile applications.
Enjoy access to your email on practically on any device, private, secure, and ad free. Plus, we will never read, sell or scan your email content for ANY purpose.
Remove the hassle and frustration from organizing your schedule! Create multiple calendars, show task due dates, specify working hours, and more.
All of the communication you've had with a contact is readily available to you on any device. Whether it be emails, instant messages, or scheduled appointments.
Keep track of everything you need to do! From outreach shopping lists to church projects. Create tasks, set due dates, update status, and even prioritize tasks.
The electronic equivalent of sticky notes! Notes are a great place to jot down questions, ideas, reminders or anything else you need to remember.
We make it easier for church or ministry to connect, communicate, and collaborate. All backed by superior Christian support.
Thousands of churches, ministries and Christian organizations just like yours have made the same choice! It's quick and easy to get started today with Hosted Email by ChristianCMS.
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